
In 90% of all shoeings, I will use a fully creased half round keg shoe. This shoe provides the best ease of break-over for the horse, and in the long run lets the horse live a long and comfortable life.

The price list below is for horses and equids between 14-17 hands.

Please contact me for an evaluation and quote for horses outside of the size range stated above.

Payment due at time of service. Prices are based on a per horse basis


Full set of new shoes all 4 feet$100
Reset of old shoes all 4 feet$100
Half shoes either end. The other end trimmed and left barefoot.$75
Pour in pads
Pads are done in pairs, front or back. They are in addition to a set of shoes to hold the pads in place. Caution: Pads reduce traction
Trim pricing is for a horse going barefoot. Trims are all the same no matter if the horse started with shoes or barefoot
Lost shoes
I guarantee my shoes for three days. There’s just no telling what a horse gets into.
Small boo boo’s and ouches.
Small abscess, FOD, and other small issues are dealt with at the time of trimming and charged an extra to cover the cost of materials and disinfectant.
Vet assist
Actual work to be tallied at the time of service (i.e. trims, shoes, pads etc.)
$100 trip charge, plus any work other done

I reserve the right to refuse any horse or customer without comment.